If a lawn is properly fertilized and treated for weeds and insects, it is not protected from potential turf disease damage. Due to certain environmental conditions and cultural practices, turf diseases may damage lawns at different times of the year. If you suspect or are concerned about damage to your lawn, disease control can be a possibility worth considering.
We service and maintain everyone in the Los Angeles area. Our Maintenance and grass care is the rate one of the best. Contact us today for a free estimate. We service and maintain everyone in the Los Angeles area. Our Maintenance and grass care is the rate one of the best. Contact us today for a free estimate.
Your property may be under attack by weeds. Weeds crowd out healthy turfgrass and can leave your property looking poorly maintained. When selecting the correct lawn weed control measures, we offer a variety of specialty herbicides such as crabgrass control, pre-emergent herbicides, nutsedge control, and broadleaf weed control. Whether part of a comprehensive lawn care program or a custom-built program, we are capable of helping with your weed control solutions. The best defense is a good offense! Keep your lawn thick and mow no lower than 3″. This will help make it more difficult for most weeds to grow and will encourage better growing conditions for your lawn. When the mowing season comes to an end, remember to mow your lawn lower in order to protect against snow mold issues going into the early spring.